
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nursery-Labor of Love: Part 5

 Today I want to show you more about a project that Michael did a quick post on a couple months back.  Even though he has shown you this project in the past, I wanted to write about it again to give some additional insight into the back story of this project.  This particular project was a big surprise for me.  When we first found out we were pregnant this past summer we decided to take a walk through Pottery Barn Kids for inspiration on nursery ideas.  We love Pottery Barn but rarely buy things from there.....we just try and recreate what they do.  They have the coolest ideas.

That particular day we came across this really neat 3-D crescent moon lamp that was approximately 12-15 inches tall and 3-4 inches deep. They had it lite up and it was hanging in one of their demo rooms.  I thought this was so cute and told Michael that it was a great idea for a light to hang on the wall for when we are coming in and out of the baby's room at night and didn't want to flip on the bright lights.  The only problem was the lamp was of course somewhere in the ball park of $60.00 which we didn't feel comfortable spending.  Michael looked it over and told me 'I think I could make this'.  I was not confident that this was a project that we were capable of recreating because it required welding a 3-D frame in the shape of a moon and then upholstering it.  That seemed extremely complicated to me as I felt trying to make something in the shape of a cresent moon would be too hard. 

But.....Michael saw this as a challenge and want to take it on.  Michael took this project on and surprised me by finding a way to make it happen and it is so cute!  I tried to find the original picture of Pottery Barn's moon light online but couldn't seem to come across it.  You will have to trust me that what Michael came up with is a very close replica of what we saw in the store.  Check out the pics below. 

This was the day that Michael surprised me with the completed lamp in the nursery.  I was about 14 weeks along at this point.  I was so excited to see this lamp.  (I have to laugh at myself because I remember thinking my belly was huge when we took this pic......silly me. LOL)

Michael welded the frame for this lamp out of re bar.  I think he did a fantastic job as he has had no professional training.  Also, bending metal into this shape I would assume is not the easiest thing in the world.  He then upholstered the lamp (all on his own by the way).  He said this was a trial and error process as it was difficult to get the fabric to lay correctly on this type of shape.  He ended up using a spray adhesive.  He outlined the moon with a 'rope' like finishing edger.  It is so cute.  He hooked up all the electrical inside the lamp and it is lite with a 60 watt light bulb.  It gives off the perfect glow when it's dark.  It is such a sweet addition to the room.  

This will be used all the time in years to come! 


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